How do we incubate your people processes to create and
sustain a culture of high performance?
A high performance culture rests on the following building blocks
Clarity of organizational direction & individual’s
and reinforcing
unique EVP
Rewards &recognition
that drive the
desired behaviours
Developing an
internal talent
As a onetime activity we help you build a high
performance culture through:
Clarity of Organizational Direction and Individual roles
Defining the strategic plan including the Vision, 3 year Strategy and growth drivers
Defining the organizational structure at the corporate office and field units including roles and responsibilities of all unique roles and their performance measures
Creating authority and decision making matrix as appropriate
Creating performance scorecards (measures ) for all the unique roles
Creating, cascade performance scorecards, performance measures and setting targets for all roles
Defining and reinforcing an Unique EVP
Defining the Employee Value Proposition (EVP) Defining core values and their associated behaviors. Conduct Values workshop with the team members
Creating collaterals to attract the right talent
Reviewing and recommend alignment of all HR policies and plans to the EVP
Detailing of the Statutory compliances required under various labour laws ( Central and State)
Rewards and recognition to drive the desired behaviors
Defining the Employee Value Proposition (EVP) Defining core values and their associated behaviors. Conduct Values workshop with the team members
Designing performance based pay & reward plans in line of the desired demonstrated behavior
Model employee ownership plans
Developing an internal talent pool
Defining key competencies and their indicators from a perspective of identifying internal employees for future roles across functions
Designing performance based pay & reward plans in line of the desired demonstrated behavior
Creating learning and development process and plans for rapid skill development
As an ongoing calendar driven activity we help you sustain
a high performance culture through:
Assessing and measuring employee engagement
Devising plans for strengthening Employee Engagement
Defining training and development plans for employees , create a calendar and identify appropriate partners to deliver the content
Running robust performance assessment and management processes timely
Recommending and determining compensation increases for employees based on market movements and performance
Running competency assessment processes for key employees including 360 degree appraisals
Creating individual development plans for employees who have been assessed